Advocate this Advent: A 4-Week Study to Mobilize BIPOC Communities
Beginning Wednesday, November 29 at Noon ESTThe Advent journey is filled with opportunities to explore the work and role of the Christian church to advocate on behalf of the most vulnerable, the marginalized, and the politically oppressed. When unwrapped with intentionality and a social justice viewpoint, the gift of the Christian season of Advent offers a deeper meaning to experience hope, peace, joy, and love for faith community and our neighbors as we prepared for the birth of the Christ Child.
Join Rev. Kendal L. McBroom and Rev. Dr. Regina H. Moore for “Advocate this Advent: A 4-Week Study to Mobilize BIPOC Communities” beginning Wednesday, November 29 at Noon EST. This virtual weekly study will be held Wednesdays at Noon EST on November 29, December 6, December 13, and December 20. The study will be rebroadcast each week at 7:00 pm on the General Board of Church and Society’s YouTube channel. All are welcome. Register here.
The Rev. Kendal L. McBroom is the director of Civil and Human Rights at the General Board of Church and Society of The United Methodist Church based in Washington, DC. He is responsible for managing and developing the agency’s legislative and policy advocacy in support of civil and human rights. The Rev. Dr. Regina H. Moore is the executive minister and CEO of the SC Christian Action Council (the SC affiliate of the National Council of Churches) based in Columbia, SC. She leads the Council to bring positive impact and prophetic ministry where public policy intersects with Christian faith covenants as public Christian witness.